I create daily backups of this blog's database, but since they are stored on the same server as my application, they won't be much good if the whole server dies.
I wrote a small script to rsync my database backups onto my MacBook Air, which gets routinely backed up onto an external hard drive with Time Machine.
Create script to rsync backup directory
$ vi ~/scripts/rsync-livetocode-backups
rsync -rv shevaun@livetocode:/var/backups/postgres ~/backups/livetocode
Make the script executable
$ chmod +x ~/scripts/rsync-livetocode-backups
Write cron task to run the script daily
$ crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow user command
0 12 * * * * ~/scripts/rsync-livetocode-backups
View the cron task to make sure it saved correctly
$ crontab -l